Amrita Ashwagandha Tablets

Sale price$11.85 CAD


Amrita Ashwagandha Tablets

Rejuvenates mind and body Amrita Ashwagandha significantly improves conditions resulting out of stress, fatigue, lack of sleep, loss of energy, etc. manifestations of modern-day, inactive lifestyles. It reduces cortisol levels (a stress hormone that causes wear and tears in the body)
Reduces inflammation
Helps in muscle strength
Improves memory
Fights infections and diseases

Usage:1-2 tablets twice a day or as directed by a physicians

legal Disclaimer: Statements regarding dietary supplements have not been evaluated by the FDA.

Note: Product images are for illustrative purposes only.

Images/packaging/ labels may vary from time to time due to changes made by the manufacturer's manufacturing batch and location.

The product description is for information purposes only and may contain additional ingredients.

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