Amrita Abhyanga Taila

Sale price$17.22 CAD


Amrita Abhyanga Taila

Amrita Abhyanga TailaImproves skin tone & texture.Amrita Abhyanga Taila is made with pure natural herbs that help improve skin tone and texture. It is also an excellent body massage oil that helps in muscle health, improves blood circulation
Improves blood circulation, strength, and stamina.
Better moisturization for softer skin.

Improves texture, tone, and overall skin appearance.
Excellent as a baby massage oil to strengthen body tissues, lubrication of internal organs, bones, and joints 

helps in better sleep, vision, and overall health for men, women, and children.
Gently massage the oil on the skin for 10-15 minutes and bathe with hot water
For eternal use only

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Images packaging labels may vary from time to time due to changes made by the manufacturer's manufacturing batch and location.

The product description is for information purposes only and may contain additional ingredients.

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